Prikaži vse izdelke

Sunlumo goes Germany

Sunlumo Energy is further expanding its presence in Europe with the new warehouse/delivery and sales location in Ravensburg.

All Sigenergy products can be delivered quickly thanks to Sunlumo's optimized logistics concept. With the new warehouse/delivery and sales location in Ravensburg, we can serve our customers in southern Germany, western Austria and Switzerland even faster. In addition to the central warehouse in Graz, we now have another location to provide our customers with perfect service.

Simply place your order in the online ordering system and we will take care of the rest!

The SigenStor from Sigenergy - now also in your area!

Začnite že danes

Poglobite se in bodite na tekočem, saj vam ponujamo zanimive vpoglede in pomembne podrobnosti.Naročite se zdaj

Začnite že danes

Kot uradni distributer za Avstrijo, Slovenijo, Hrvaško, Češko, Madžarsko, Slovaško in Srbijo ponujamo najnaprednejše energetske rešitve za domače in poslovno okolje, vključno z baterijami za shranjevanje energije, solarnimi razsmerniki in polnilniki za električna vozila. Postanite partner zdaj ali prejemajte naše najnovejše novice.

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