The new M600-M system

The new M600-M system

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The new M600-M system

The new M600-M system

The power optimizer with maximum overview thanks to monitoring at module level and Power Manager App

The new M600-M system consists of the following components:

The new M600-M

The Power Optimizer M600-M sends all relevant data from your system via the DC cables

  • Long-life electronics
  • Simple installation
  • Inverter-independent

The BRConnect

Our BRConnect can read up to three strings of your PV system

  • Monitoring at module level
  • Without radio connection
  • Simple installation

BRC Power Manager

Always stay informed about how efficiently your PV system is working and what yield you are achieving

  • Monitoring of your system
  • Simple set-up
  • As an app and on the web


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